A message from the CEO
Welcome to our new Spring Sower. In this edition, we bring you stories from our partners – powerful and humbling testimonies of God’s amazing love in places of extreme stress and trauma.
It is with both a troubled and humble heart that I commend this Sower to you. Our focus for the Spring appeal is to provide practical aid and God’s word to those living in countries where trauma is part of everyday life. Personal stories captured in these pages remind us of the transformational love of God amid such hardship.
In this edition, you will also find prayers written by our partners, wonderful statistics about Bible translation into people's heart languages, our partnership with the ADF and much more!
I also want to thank you for your prayer and financial support. Your commitment is helping us Open The Bible to all people, both here in Australia and overseas.
God Bless,
Grant Thomson

Hope for those living through conflict
People in countries experiencing violent conflict urgently need your support. Together, we can help those in crisis to anchor their hope in Jesus. Find out more and donate here.
Supporter stories
Watch these interviews with Bible Society supporters from across Australia. Hear their personal stories and find out why Opening The Bible to all people everywhere is so important to them.
Read on in the Spring edition of Sower
Established in Sydney in 1817, Bible Society Australia’s activities take place as part of the United Bible Societies who operate across 200 countries and territories.
We are one of the most extensive mission groups in the world and do our work in partnership with churches, providing resources and Bible-focused campaigns and community programs.