Shine the light of literacy

Teach Christians to read so they’ll shine a light in Egypt

Four million Egyptian Christians are basically illiterate – which means they can’t read the Bible for themselves.

That’s a real challenge. Why? Because many Christians in Egypt feel under pressure and long to draw comfort from God’s word.

Our aim is to teach at least 60 000 people to read by 2020 and provide each of them with a Bible. It means we need to double the number of literacy classes we ran last year. It’s ambitious. But with your help, it’s possible.

Could you make a donation to teach Egyptian people to read and provide Bibles – so they can shine a light in their troubled nation?

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This is a literacy project, so your gift is tax deductible.

Rawhaya’s story

Rawhaya, 53, has seven grown-up children. But Rawhaya herself never went to school. “Not even for one day,” she said, sadly. “I was upset, because my family could all tell stories from the Bible, but not me.” She joined our literacy class – and it changed everything. “I was glad, so glad, to read the Bible for the first time,” said Rawhaya. “When I learned the word of God I felt happiness and comfort.”

How you can help

1. Donate

  • $45 can teach three people to read and give them Bibles
  • $88 provides Bible material to Egyptian children
  • $135 can help set up a literacy class and provide a Bible for every student

2. Download this information sheet and share it with your church

3. Copy and paste this paragraph onto your social media sites or include it in your church newsletter

Help Egyptian Christians shine a light. Four million Christians in Egypt can’t read – so the Bible is a closed book for them. You can teach them to read and provide Bibles. You’ll strengthen the church in this troubled nation, and equip Christians to shine God’s light. Visit or call 1300 242 537.


  • Pray that Egyptian Christians would be enriched as they learn to read and write.
  • Pray the Bible will change lives as people engage and grapple with its message.
  • Pray the Church will be strengthened in Egypt, and shine a light in this nation.

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