Bibles for the Millions of Christians

Bible Distribution in China


Each year, this project aims to see Chinese people own their own Bible. It does so by providing Bible paper to support the printing and distribution of Bibles to a growing number of Christians in China, and to offer free Bibles to those who cannot afford to buy their own.

The Need

Mainland China continues to be a powerhouse of Christian growth in the 21st century. Officially, there are 46 million Christians (both Protestant and Catholic), and some unofficial numbers report 100 million Christians in the country.

This represents between 3 to 7 per cent of the population. The demand for Bibles increases each year.

Since the establishment of Amity Printing Company in 1987 until the end of 2020 over 88 million Bibles have been printed and distributed in China.

However, when compared to the 100 million Christians believed to be living in China, we know there are still many without their own Bible. The majority of the Christian population live in poorer, rural areas with limited to no means to purchase a copy of their own at full price.

Chinese Christians believe they need to hear and know the word of God. They acknowledge that the Bible is the basis of faith and the means to draw wisdom for their daily life.

In the face of increasing threats from false teachings and heresies, the need is pressing for their faith to be firmly founded and strengthened by the Bible.

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