Since the Boer War in 1899, a long partnership has existed between Bible Society and the Australian Defence Force with Bible Society providing Bibles to ADF chaplains who distribute them to the men and women they minister to.
Can you help us place a Bible into the hands of serving men and women of the Australian Defence Force? Will you help provide Bibles and Scripture resources to the Chaplains who care for the Spiritual and mental welfare of those who serve domestically and internationally?
Please help us make the most of this opportunity to get the Good News into the hands of those in service.

Every new soldier who joins the defence force is offered a copy of the Army New Testament, containing pictures of soldiers in action, a message from the Chief of the Army and an overview of the main message of the Bible by Roger Marsh, coordinating chaplain at the Kapooka Army Recruit Training Centre near Wagga Wagga in NSW.
“We find that they are readily taken and so pretty much a New Testament is placed into the hands of every soldier in the Australian Army,” says Martin de Pyle, Senior Staff Chaplain at Army Headquarters in Canberra, who was involved in creating the new edition.
Bible Society also distributes a special waterproof New Testament for the RAAF as well as supplying full Bibles to the armed forces and other frontline chaplains through its Scripture grants program.