Why are we here, now, 2020 looking forward to a new decade?
At the start of this year as we began to develop exciting new plans, we had no idea of what else was building and we had not heard of something called ‘social distancing’ or COVID-19. Now as I write, most of our staff work remotely. You, our beloved supporters, are isolated from your loved ones, as the entire world closes its global economy for an unseen deadly pandemic.
Pray and pray again
Please pray for Bible Societies around the world and for the people we help. Many of the people you support live in the most difficult circumstances. They cannot self-isolate. They cannot implement social distancing. Pray for governments, for health workers, for scientists and for the vulnerable.
Our current circumstances makes me even more grateful that we have the Bible to turn to, for where else will we find comfort, love, reassurance and hope in such times?
In our isolation, the Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans, that we can never be separated from God.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation (including unseen viruses), will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39
Bible Societies have completed Scripture translations for more than a fifth of the world’s population within just five years. An incredible 270 language groups who previously did not have access to the Bible, now do.
This is a source of great celebration. Praise God!
But we want to do even more and, there is still much to be done. We want to Open The Bible to all people everywhere – in their own heart language. We are passionately committed, through collaboration with our Bible agency and local Indigenous partners, to push on with the Bible translation work, particularly for our own Indigenous peoples and for our neighbours in the Asia/Pacific region.
The jubilant image of Pastor David Hung atop Mount Victoria in Myanmar captures so graphically the joy people feel when they are finally able to read God’s word in their own language.
The Cho Chin people group was first introduced to Jesus Christ 70 years ago. Last year, they received the first Bible in their language. Immediately after the launch several Cho Chin Christians hiked to the mountain peak to give thanks to God for his word.
Let’s join the Cho Chin in giving thanks to God for this wonderful gift for his people in Chin State.
Opening the Bible for a new generation
At the start of the year, we decided that a new decade deserved a new vision and supporting that vision, the fresh, new look you see here. But it is more than a cosmetic face-lift. It is part of our deep desire to attract new people, especially the younger generations, as we seek to work in new and ever fruitful and expanding ways to Open The Bible.
Each of our brands – Koorong, CPX, Eternity and Acorn Press – is extending their reach into the Australian and global communities. It is important that Bible Society remains relevant to this increasingly digital world.
However, we cannot grow and innovate without your support. We invite you to partner with Bible Society as together we Open The Bible to all people everywhere by all means possible.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2
Your prayers and financial support offer hope. Love. The potential for new life in Christ Jesus, our only true comfort.
Wishing you God’s protection and deep abiding love now and always,

Grant Thomson
CEO, Bible Society Australia