With your support we can help all people engage with the words of Scripture. Our goal is to not just hand people a Bible – it is to help
individuals engage with God’s life-giving words, so they can connect God’s love to their lives.
Engagement with God’s word happens in many ways globally, including literacy classes and digital engagement. Men, women and children are equipped with the message of God’s love and tools to face whatever life brings them.
However, millions still do not have access to education or the skills to engage with the Bible. You can share God's love and equip them with a life-changing skill.
Stories from the field
How literacy changed a man
The power of literacy in Cambodia
Vietnam’s Christian library grows
Current projects underway
Many Cambodians suffer from an inadequate education system and struggle with illiteracy. Your support empowers and gives them the opportunity to read the Scriptures for their personal growth as well as contribute to the well-being of their communities and equip them for evangelism.
Amongst the poverty of this nation, many Christians (including church pastors) struggle to easily read or understand Scripture. Your help enables the teaching of basic literacy, numeracy and life skills to those in impoverished city areas and rural communities using God's word.
There are more than two million Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Lebanon. More than half of these refugees are aged 17 or younger. Through your support, Bible based literacy courses are provided to help children get back into the education system, so they can gain the skills they need for the future.
Many in Rwanda face complex economic and social challenges. Through your help, we aim to improve literacy through education in reconciliation and forgiveness.
Support engagement work
If the appeal is oversubscribed or the project changes due to unforeseen reasons, we will reallocate remaining funds to similar projects.