There is an urgent need to build the capacity of Bible Society Papua New Guinea (PNG) in order to reach future generations with the word of God.
After a new board and General Secretary were appointed to Bible Society PNG in February 2019, the task of establishing sustainable and impactful Bible based mission work began.
The new staff are working closely with the United Bible Societies global mission team to implement this, with early goals focussed on reinstating services to ensure Scriptures are available to people in PNG.
The Need
There are more than 880 languages in PNG with more than 300 languages yet to receive any Bible translation. Almost 89% of the approximately 8.5 million people are in the (largely remote) rural areas.
The word of God already has a place in the rural communities of PNG, so the distribution of Bibles to these remote communities is of paramount spiritual importance to the people living there.
Much of the population are uneducated and live in poverty. Literacy is a major challenge; many would not be able to read the Bible. There is a vast need for Bible translation, Bible distribution, literacy and church partnerships, especially in the rural areas.
To meet these needs, it is essential that the Bible Society is present and sustainable. Rebuilding the Bible Society will lay the foundation for effective ministry.