Help distribute the Bible to those without one

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:4 NIV

Current projects underway

Your support enables Bible Society to partner with servants of God ministering to those in need across Australia - in the defence forces, in Indigenous communities and other places - and to distribute free Bibles and Scripture materials through their capable and loving hands.

We are committed to helping the dedicated public school Scripture teachers in public schools where classes are still permitted; your support means that these children can be provided with free class sets of Bibles, so they can read God’s word for themselves.

South Africa has one of the highest numbers of prisoners in the world. Prisons are severely overcrowded. Inmates are from violent street gangs and many have never known love and forgiveness. But it is possible to place hope in the hands and hearts of people who are hardened.

The Biblical Discipleship Program, supported by you, teaches inmates in 200 prisons about God’s love and helps with their practical rehabilitation. When they finish the program, inmates are given the gift of a Bible.

Children from disadvantaged and marginalized backgrounds are not able to access the Bible as their parents or guardians cannot afford one. Through your support, we will distribute God's word and create a momentum of change towards Bible reading and consequently lay a foundation for Biblical values for the Kenyan society.

Stories from the field

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